It is important you identify the right golf academy to get the best tricks of the game. There are a lot of things you need to consider before choosing your golf trainer. There are different gold academies which makes it hard to pick the best. Read on to know how. Click here to learn more

You need to identify a golf academy that has golf instructors who work full time. Majority of golf academies use subcontractors who usually work part time. For consistency, you need an instructor who is at the golf school full time. It is advisable to request for the name of the instructor and conduct a Google search. You don’t want an instructor who works for many gold academies. Gold academies that have instructors on a part time basis usually charge a low price. Take time to do a background check on different golf academies. Go online and have a look at their profile. Check out the different types of golf courses that are provided. Visit this site to discover more. 

Another factor would be to ask your friends who are experts in golfing to provide you with recommendations of reputable golf such as Harrington Golf Academy. Talk to different golf academies either on phone or in person. Get to know the process they use to assist you to identify your golf swing. Choose a gold academy that has instructors with the right credentials. The best way is to find out the number of golfers they work with yearly. An instructor with many golfers shows that most of them were through referrals. This shows that they have the skills to make you a pro in golf. Ask the academy to provide you with contacts of current and previous clients. A reputable golf academy will have no problem providing you with references. Choose a golf academy that will assign you one instructor throughout the course. You don’t want to keep switching from one instructor to another. 

Additionally, get to know the student to instructor ratio. Normally an instructor is supposed to work with four students based on their skill level. It is an added advantage to choose a golf academy that follows up on their students. They need to have a page on their website where you can send email questions on tricks that you may forget down the line. It is advisable you consider visiting your choice of golf academy before you make your decision. Get to interact with the instructors and students. This way you will be able to make an informed decision. Discover more here: